Assessment of pricing effects through the acquisition of different targets in a commodity market by means of a market simulation
Estimation of price effects of the extension of business of a car manufacturer by nearly new cars Evaluation of a car manufacturer’s distribution strategy in terms of the efficiency of incentive programmes, the sustainability of the business model ‘the full-function car dealership’, and the development perspective of the dealership network
Strategic scope of action of a premium manufacturer in the automotive industry regarding further development of the distribution network according to the new Automotive Block Exemption Regulation, Kfz-GVO 1400/2002
Strategic scope of action of a premium manufacturer in the automotive industry regarding further development of the distribution network according to the new Automotive Block Exemption Regulation, Kfz-GVO 330/2010
Strategic strengthening of the earnings and financial power of an international trading company through the extension of synergies between trade and real estate markets
Conceptional foundations for the strategic realignment of the product range, pricing and service policies of an international food wholesaler towards its customer base
Realignment of a leading international food-wholesale company regarding competition with a special focus on the location, pricing, product range and service policy
Lademann & Associates GmbH Economists and Competition Consultants
An der Alster 63 · 20099 Hamburg
+49 40 64557790 · info(at)
Office Brussels
Rue du Commerce 31 · 1000 Bruxelles · +49 40 645577 90
Lademann & Associates supports companies in developing market strategies that are compatible with German and EU anti-trust laws. To this end we supply – also prior to anti-trust suits – economically sound concepts and research. These form the basis for anti-trust approvals of mergers and cooperations or for the repositioning of selective distribution systems.