The consultancy procedure regarding the competition economic monitoring of cartel and merger procedures is defined by a variety of distinctive features and specific challenges:
- Unlike the world of classical consultancy, multilateral relationships commonly link multiple participants: the company, the cartel lawyers and the competition economists. Every player brings their own perspective, pattern of thought and terminology to the table. We see the act of taking this diversity and, through close communication, turning it into strength as one of our most important tasks.
- Completely extrajudicial reference solutions with many participants place high demands upon the communication skills of the economic consultant.
- It is in the very nature of cartel and merger cases that target-aimed approaches, as well as the amount of work necessary, can only be approximated, particularly as the requirements are often dependent on third parties, such as competition authorities. Sometimes the most promising methods only become clear in the course of the advisory process – for example, after thorough circumstantial analysis.
- The competition economic analysis is often subject to the primacy of legal demands, so that any results must be suitably prepared for review.
- Economic jargon has to be explained clearly to managers, lawyers and other participants.
- Legal deadlines lead to extreme time pressure and demand fast and focused work.
We deal with these features and challenges, in that we:
- configure our work according to a specialised principle with clearly defined phases and content. This in turn enables us to adapt to evolving challenges during the consultancy process;
- lay considerable value upon the close agreement of all involved parties from the start, and implement any necessary controlling instruments;
- establish a deep understanding of the market and the expectations concerning the consultancy project, as well as an early awareness for all requirements, together with all people in positions of responsibility at the very beginning of a project;
- adapt the amount of research and the forms of presentation to suit our client – from the preliminary appraisals and exchanges through to complex expert’s reports, in the case of legal proceedings for example.
Success can only be ensured by established and mutual trust, ultimate professionalism and transparency, combined with excellent communication in the consulting process.